Random Ramblings #1

So it's been 24 hours now since I released this publicly, with that I have gone through many different thoughts and musings.

It's tough, when you spend so long working on a program with noone but yourself to think about the ins and outs of with. So descisions for things might make a lot of sense, or no sense at all. Then after you get other peoples opinions on things, you start to see all those little things you either should have or didn't think about.

Regardless, this is by no means a regretful rant!

I'm actually quite proud of the response.reception so far for SokoGirls, as I really wasn't quite sure what to expect from you all with a title like this. It literally stemmed from me playing Sokoban puzzles until 3 a.m one night and thiking "hmm, this would make an interestint dating sim.."

As with all my ideas, my wild imagination has kept me up late for many nights now thinking about things to add and do with this game. Now that everything is public, I would say that imagination and desire is somewhere around 10X stronger.

A mistake I make, and have made many times, is to act on these impulses right away and change eveerything. I won't be making this mistake this time.

I have a plan, and I"m sticking to it!

I have the core gamepaly segmented, I have my scripts and functions set. I have 3 girls locked in with a 4th on the way. I have the BASICS to what the game should look/feel like. Now it's up to me to sprinkle and season to my taste as I go forward.

And SO, here comes the juicy bits. Suki is in progress as we speak, I"m working on her dialog right now, and getting her levels solidified. As I have tested the game many times now, and taken in a lot of the criticisims and feedback from this release, I'm focusing on changing some systems slighty to gamify the dating process better for the girls. Just little things here and there to make the experience more reactive, and feel more rewarding.

With that, I'm also mulling over the NSFW content of the game and how far I want to take it. I have (in the past) added animated Sex Scenes and made those a playable experience. I'm hesitant on this now though, as I'm not an animaor and it takes me a LONG time to get these scenes done. It eats away at my development a lot.

That being said, I understand that there needs to be more NSFW content added, and I want toresolve that issue. So I"m currently looking into a dynamic sex scene system that allows the player to interact in a aniamted scene with the girls. I may look into using a templated animation, where I can reduce my time animating using tht tempalt, but adding in each girls' design into it. I'll have to see how that works first, but I'll experiment for sure.

So ontop of that, I have also launched my first ever Patron Poll for choosing which character pack would be next to include in the game. The choices range from a ton of charcters that I personally want to see added. It's looking like Persona 4 characters will be the first pack, but who knows? Itcould end up being someone else.  I just find it exciting.

I don't have a good figure on how long new character packs will take to add into the game, so far the time being I'll say expect a new character pack once a month? But this may be too little or too much time, not sure yet until I get a couple of these under my belt.

Lastly I want to mention briefly about outfits. Currently I have only a few outfits included into the game for each girl. I plan on adding many many more  for holidays and events. I just wanted a core amount set fornow to give the player the flavor of what this game is going for.

And that brings me to what I guess is the final point of this rant? All I really want to say is that I"m hoping you all have enjoyed what I was able to offer you, and I want you to know that this is only the beginning of the content. I have MUCH more planned and thought out, I am just taking it slow and steady to keep my ideas in check and not overpromise anything.

So again, thank you all. You really are an awesome bunch of peeps. I enjoy our private conversations or our discord chats! 

If you have  any thoughts or opinions about where to take this game, please let me know! I always appreciate feedaback.



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