0.2.11 Update Released!

Welcome everyone to update 0.2.11! This one was a doozy, and it took a lot of time and effot. Excited to show it off, but please bare with me as I list off my notes of changes for you all.
Thanks again to all Patrons for making this happen, and for future updates down the road of which I'm already hard at work on.
Update 0.2.11 This update focuses on Gameplay and Quality of life balances, I tried my best to play the game objectively and think about the improvements I would like to see, plus look at holes in the game that could be filled with new gameplay.
Firs off, let's talk about the new skills available:
New Skills
There is a new gardening mini-game that becomes Haru's introduction into the game. It's a decently simple game, but can be fun to keep track of your crops aas you get up in the morning to water them. Or when you get to harvest a bunch of them, and sell them to junes. It's surprisingly fun, especially once you get all 8 garden plots and watch your garden grow.
I plan to implement more on this as I update, but for now It has Potatos Carrots Cabbage Pumpkin and Watermelon
Finally I was able ot give Yu that job at Amagi Inn again, this time though you give massages instead of cleaning. I find this more entertaiinng and of course leads as an opportunity for some interesting scenes down the road.
For now, it's mostly story implemented, only allowing you to service Ann for some quick cash, adn go through a tutorial with Yukiko. This is because in a future update, I want to tie the progression between massages with Yukiko's affection. One upgraded, you will have more options for massages like thighs, breasts and so on.
Hacking is, of course, Futaba's minigame. It's a very simply pac-man esque sort of game I designed after remembering a very random game from my childhood called "Math for the real world". The hacking minigame is still very basic for the moment, but it too will progress with Futabas storyline and I also plan for it to introduce a new charcater into the game.
Can you guess who that would be?
Quality of life balances
There are a lot to go over, but mostly the balances have to do with money and how it's handled in the game.
First off, the Junes stuff is balanced now so buying and selling makes more sense. You can easily purchase items and sell items back to the store at will. This includes the changes to the Refining process, which allow you to easily go to Daidara and refine 5x the ore to make 1 ingot of that ore. you can then sell that refined ingot to Junes for more money, this works well as a trade off.
Little balances that add more to the game are allowing the player to sleep now when they are at low energy, instead of waiting until nightime. Also, I added small cahrges to things, like the bus which now costs $2. Yet, I also added a new way to make cash with Massages, Hacking and even running on the treadmill!
To unlock futaba, and a host of new features, you will need to purchase the power unit from the electronics shop. This allows you to check out the new gallery, which if you are on my Patreon then you will have seen some of these photo crop up recently. Things like selfies now can be unlocked through storyline, or through hidden secrets in-game.
This will act as a simple collection sorter for you to return and view what you have unlocked, more will be implemented in the future like Cheat Codes which will unlock later as well.
The game now runs a day of the month check, which in turn creates Seasons. There aren't many changes in season yet, but the mine does close for the winter. Crops grow in certain seasons and nothing grows in winter.
This feature has larger plans in the future, and I wanted to create the building blocks for it now. So it's here and it functions properly for the time being.
There is a cleanliness feature now that I brought over from Hinomori Nights. After working in the mines, you will get dirty. This in turn makes girls not want to talk to you, so you will need to clean up. You can now purcase soap at junes for this, which brings me to the next point
Consumable Items
Now you can consume the items in your inventory. So if you are getting tired, you can eat food and regain that energy. You also can use the soap to clean yourself.
Amagi Inn Hot Springs
The hot springs now lets you rest and bathe once a day, which replenishes your energy as well as cleans your body.
Amagi Inn Secret Room
The secret room pasword is going to be posted on the Patreon now for Patrons only, this will allow them to see behind the door, which at the moment offer not much but a sneak peek at what I will do with this.
More Storyline
I have beefed up the storyline with lots of little scenes that play. Not only when you progress with a girl, but also at random times throughout the day you will notice scenes between the characters now.
Alright, my fingers are getting tired. That's what I can think of off the top of my head, here are my dev notes which are more thorough but harder to understand!
* Fixed a random bug where if you obtained a alrge sum of money it took forever to increase your wallet
* Fixed a bug where Daidara's door wasn't triggering any Dialog
* Removed Herobrine
* Fixed an issue where Maya's sprite wasn't reflecting the clothing laid out for her.
* Fixed bug asking for First name twice instead of last name
* Fixed Sae door issue
* Fixed Treadmill being given to ALL players
* Fixed color issue on sell items
* Fixed up Daidara text a bit when switching refine and craft
* Balanced the Mineshaft better, Makes progression feel better
* Create Gardening Skill
* Create Page Numbers for the girls sections
* Created Massage Skill
* Removed Cleanliness Skill as the mechanics changed.
* Added in some text to focus players on interaction with Characters
* Fixed some button locations
* Can click on items to use them
* Food can be used to eat, Soap can be used to clean yourself
* Indicated Items that can be clicked using a different color
* Change up gifts like/loves/hates
** Include all new items in this.
(Selfie Unlocks)
* Created Chie Selfie Unlock Artwork
* Created Yukiko Selfie Unlock Artwork
* Created Futaba Selfie Unlock Artwork
( Hot Springs )
* Added functionality to the hot springs
* Now you can use them to replenish your energy
* They are now available all day instead of only at night.
(Time and Date)
* Add in a date out of 10? maybe 15? maybe 31 holidays oin the 31st of each month
* Add in a Season instead of Month
* this allows for some things to happen on certain days.
* Holidays but also events and triggers that should happen at certain times
* This also allows for growing crops to be taken into consideration of the season
* Added in global variables and saves/loads for Cheats to function within the game.
* Completed Artwork for all of Ann's emotions
* Work on Ann finding a room at the Amagi Inn.
* Allowed for massage to ann
* You can find ann in her room at the Amagi Inn
(Secret Room)
* Added in little bios of all the features to be available in the room over time.
* Password to the "Secret Room" in the Amagi Inn Hallway has been changed to ________
* ChangedPassword for the Secret Room at the Amagi Inn. PATRONS ONLY
(Girls Tab)
* Turn girls tab code into script
* Added Sans
* ensure all girls can be clicked to see mroe information
* update girls section so that it says if they can advance or not yet in storyline
(Tatsumi Textiles)
* Added in a dialog scene with Chie and Yukiko and Kanji
* Added in a dialog scene with Ann
* Created PowerUnit to Purcahse from the electronnic shop
* Now computer can be turned on and the Gallery and Cheats mode are avaialble
* Computer opens up more storyline development.
* Each time Level 7 is completed on the treadmill, you get $50
* Created scnee with Yosuke and Haru going over the new Gardening Cetner.
* Added Ingots to the list of sellable items
* Added produce to the list of sellable items
* Added some new sound effects to bus
* Startup Effect
* Made Bus cost $2 to Train Station
* Balanced the ore delivery from the mineshaft better
* Mine closes in the winter now, will need somewhere else to make money.
* Changed Secret Door text
* Changed Recipe for Refiing to X5 of the raw ore
( Bunker Light )
** By using the treadmill, a light starts to emit on the top of the bunker
** Getting the light as birght as it will go unlocks a secret.
* Complete Haru Sprite
* Complete Haru Emotions
* Haru lives at Junes with Yosuke
* Haru can be visited in the gardening center
* You can purchase a gardening plot from her for $100
* After that you can purchase seeds from her to plant either Potatoes or Turnips
* Each will take a few days to grow and need to be watered each day
* Once they grow, you can sell them for money or give them away as gifts!
* Allow player to grow up and sell produce
* Creaete up to 8 plots to purchase from her
* Create Sprite for seedlings
* Make plants slightly 'wiggle' back and forth to simualte a garden
* Allow gardening skill to level up
* Open up more garden plots by levelling up
** Added ability to have affections raised for more girls now
** Increased chance for wealth and number gained
** Increased curse and number of money lost
* Sae can be Available to Interact With at the amagi inn
( Yukiko )
* Yukiko hires you on to work at the amagi inn
* You can learn a new Massage technique from her
* You learnt eh MAssage Skill by helping out Yukiko.
** Add in Massage Skill and become a masseuse at the Amagi Inn
* Added Futaba variables intothe coding of the game
* Add futaba to the girls section of the game.
* Futaba joins the storyline after you discover a Hacker trying to obtain information from the PC
* Created a new purchase for the bunker through Teddie
* Allows players to have Futaba move in with them.
* Hacking Minigame, leaern hacking skill
** will play like PacMan sort of, mixed with Like a Dragon can collecting
** Map drawn out, map markers are Yu's face and hacker faces
** Must collect the blips wathc out for the hackers
* Talking with her, you are able to start a friendship with her as she hacks into the PCs around Inaba
* Get Futaba to rank Buddy
* Unlock selfie from futuaba at rank 3
* Gifts for Futaba
* Change clothig for futaba
* Added alts and bunnatale
* Rank 3 chat
* Rank 3 Hack
* Rank 3 Unlock Secret Photo Of Ann (By Hacking)
* Unlock Chie selfie at rank 5
* Allow for advancing relationship with saki up to Buddy (Need endurance to be increased by at least 1)
* Unlock Saki Photo of BJ
* Discover photo on ground of Hitomi.
Get Persona H : The Midnight Channel
Persona H : The Midnight Channel
The shadows have returned to Inaba to manifest the town's deepest desires . Welcome back to The Midnight Channel.
Status | In development |
Author | DarkDemarley |
Genre | Visual Novel, Simulation |
Tags | 2D, Adult, Anime, Dating Sim, Erotic, NSFW, Parody, Story Rich |
Languages | English |
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